Behind the Scenes: 3 Must Follow Witchy Accounts

Ever wondered who inspires the witchy vibes in my life? 😉
Read on to explore three of my favorite witchy accounts to follow! I love their magical auras and their passion for all things mystical and magick.
Who are your favorite witchy accounts to follow? Share with me in the comments below so I can follow them too! ✨🌙

First up we have Virginia Rosenberg! Her graphics are lush & gorgeous and easily outline the astrological transits that are forthcoming. She makes it super easy to make plans for ritual, spellwork, journaling and shadow work, or simply how to navigate the world at large!

Up next we have Things to Do in Salem! Alyse is THE go to for all things related to the witchy city of Salem, MA. She knows the city and it’s happenings AND she’s also a very talented tarot reader. I’ve had several readings from her over the years, and they’re always on point. If you want to visit the Witch Capital make sure you’re following her socials to get the latest scoop!

And to wrap up today’s post we have Kelly-Ann Maddox! I have been following Kelly-Ann for a decade (honest! I was curious to see just how many years it had been and when pulling up my YouTube subscription info I saw it had been exactly 10 years this year!) and her videos have been so transformational for me. I love her thoughts on all things witchy!

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