Easy Witchcraft Series: Day 7

Welcome to Day 7 of my new blog series, Easy Witchcraft. These are small witchy actions that you can take in order to bring some more clarity, peace, and overall well-being to your life! There will be 10 days total, allowing us to end on Samhain (October 31st!)

Two words for today: Glamour Magick! Today is the day to imbue energy into allllll the products and things you use on a daily basis. Tap into the energy of mint in your toothpaste so that all your words will bring new opportunities to you. (Mint is associated with money!) Your mascara can help you to “see clearly.” Your perfume or cologne can surround you in a bubble of whatever you want – allure, mystery, shielding, self-love. The earrings you wear can help you to hear your Gods better, the necklace a protective talisman.

Use all these things throughout your day to your advantage, especially if they’re things or objects that you wear and use anyway. Feel free to say a spell over them, create a chant or affirmation, draw sigils right on the product containers etc. Sky’s the limit with this one!

See you tomorrow for Day 8!

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