Easy Witchcraft Series: Day 8

Welcome to Day 8 of my new blog series, Easy Witchcraft. These are small witchy actions that you can take in order to bring some more clarity, peace, and overall well-being to your life! There will be 10 days total, allowing us to end on Samhain (October 31st!)

Day 8 is all about cooking and food magick! This one is similar to Day 2 in which we imbued our drinks with energy. Today, each time you cook or prep food you’re going to do the same thing. You can tap into the metaphysical correspondence for the food you’re making, for example, cinnamon is great for abundance, prosperity, and success so adding an extra sprinkle of cinnamon to the pumpkin muffins you’re baking can help imbue them with luck! Or you can simply add your own thread of energy to the food you’re prepping – such as stirring a sigil for health and wellbeing into the pasta sauce you’re cooking.

These things will become second nature to you the more you practice, and since many of the things in this series are based on routines and schedules that many of us keep anyway it’s super easy to play around with this time of witchcraft!

See you tomorrow for Day 9!

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